SELECT Statement Programming Examples There are two SELECT CASE programming examples. Example 1 In the following program, the SELECT CASE statement is used to take different actions based on the input value: ' Program demonstrates various forms of CASE items INPUT "Enter acceptable level of risk (1-10): ", Total SELECT CASE Total CASE IS >= 10 PRINT "Maximum risk and potential return" PRINT "Choose stock investment plan" CASE 6 TO 9 PRINT "High risk and potential return" PRINT "Choose corporate bonds" CASE 2 TO 5 PRINT "Moderate risk and return" PRINT "Choose mutual fund" CASE 1 PRINT "No risk, low return" PRINT "Choose IRA" CASE ELSE PRINT "RESPONSE OUT OF RANGE" END SELECT Sample Output Enter acceptable level of risk (1-10): 10 Maximum risk and potential return Choose stock investment plan Enter acceptable level of risk (1-10): 0 RESPONSE OUT OF RANGE Example 2 In the following program, the SELECT CASE statement is used to take different actions based on the ASCII value of a character. ' Function and control key constants CONST ESC = 27, DOWN = 80, UP = 72, LEFT = 75, RIGHT = 77 CONST HOME = 71, ENDKEY = 79, PGDN = 81, PGUP = 73 DO ' Get a function or ASCII key DO Choice$ = INKEY$ LOOP WHILE Choice$ = "" IF LEN(Choice$) = 1 THEN ' Handle ASCII keys SELECT CASE ASC(Choice$) CASE ESC PRINT "Escape key" END CASE IS < 32, 127 PRINT "Control code" CASE 30 TO 29 PRINT "Digit: "; Choice$ CASE 65 TO 90 PRINT "Uppercase letter: "; Choice$ CASE 97 TO 122 PRINT "Lowercase letter: "; Choice$ CASE ELSE PRINT "Punctuation: "; Choice$ END SELECT ELSE ' Convert 2-byte extended code to 1-byte ASCII code and handle Choice$ = RIGHT$(Choice$, 1) SELECT CASE Choice$ CASE CHR$(DOWN) PRINT "DOWN arrow key" CASE CHR$(UP) PRINT "UP arrow key" CASE CHR$(PGDN) PRINT "PGDN key" CASE CHR$(PGUP) PRINT "PGUP key" CASE CHR$(HOME) PRINT "HOME key" CASE CHR$(ENDKEY) PRINT "END key" CASE CHR$(RIGHT) PRINT "RIGHT arrow key" CASE CHR$(LEFT) PRINT "LEFT arrow key" CASE ELSE BEEP END SELECT END IF LOOP