Procedures The following programming examples illustrate how to code and combine small logical components of programs. There are examples for boths SUBs and functions. Programming example 1 - using functions Corresponding variables must have the same type in both the argument and parameter lists for a function, as shown in the following example. In this example, two arguments are passed to the FUNCTION procedure. The first is an integer specifying the length of the string returned by the FUNCTION, while the second is a character that is repeated to make the string. FUNCTION CharString$(A AS INTEGER, B$) STATIC CharString$ = STRING$(A%, B$) END FUNCTION DIM X AS INTEGER INPUT "Enter a number (1 to 80): ", X INPUT "Enter a character: ", Y$ ' Print a string consisting of the Y$ character, repeated ' X number of times: PRINT CharString$(X, Y$) END Sample output Enter a number (1 to 80): 21 Enter a character: # #####################