TAB Function Programming Example Example 1 The following example uses TAB to locate columns of output: FOR I = 1 TO 4 READ A$,B$ PRINT A$ TAB(25) B$ NEXT DATA NAME, AMOUNT,,, G.T. JONES, $25.00, H.L. STEVENS, $32.25 Sample Output NAME AMOUNT G.T. JONES $25.00 H.L. STEVENS $32.25 Example 2 The following example shows the effects of different values used as arguments to TAB: 'Assumes 80-column screen width. PRINT TAB(1287); "one" PRINT TAB(255); "two" PRINT TAB(-5); "three" PRINT "123456789012345678901234567890" TAB(20) "four" Sample Output one two three 123456789012345678901234567890 four