TYPE Statement Details Syntax TYPE usertype elementname AS typename [elementname AS typename] . . . END TYPE Argument Description usertype A name given to the user-defined data type. Follows the same rules as a BASIC variable name. elementname The name of an element of the user-defined data type. Follows the same rules as a BASIC variable name. Cannot be the name of an array. typename May be any of the following BASIC data types: INTEGER, LONG, SINGLE, DOUBLE, fixed-length string (see note below), or user-defined type. Note: Strings in user types must be fixed-length strings. String lengths are indicated by an asterisk and a numeric constant. For example, the following line defines an element named Keyword in a user-defined type as a string with length 40: Keyword AS STRING * 40 A user-defined type must be declared in a TYPE declaration before it can be used in the program. Although a user-defined type can only be declared in the module-level code, you may declare a variable to be of a user-defined type anywhere in the module, even in a SUB or FUNCTION. Use the DIM, REDIM, COMMON, STATIC, or SHARED statements to declare a variable to be of a user-defined type.