WHILE...WEND Statement Programming Example The following fragment performs a bubble sort on the array A$. The second line makes the variable Exchange true by assigning it a nonzero value, and thereby forces one pass through the WHILE...WEND loop (this construction is unnecessary with DO...LOOP). When there are no more swaps, all elements of A$ are sorted, Exchange is false (equal to zero), and the program continues execution with the line following WEND. ' Bubble sort of array A$. CONST FALSE=0, TRUE=NOT FALSE DIM A$(4) A$(1) = "New York" A$(2) = "Boston" A$(3) = "Chicago" A$(4) = "Seattle" Max = UBOUND(A$) Exchange=TRUE ' Force first pass through the array. WHILE Exchange ' Sort until no elements are exchanged. Exchange=FALSE ' Compare the array elements by pairs. When two are exchanged, ' force another pass by setting Exchange to TRUE. FOR I = 2 TO Max IF A$(I-1) > A$(I) THEN Exchange = TRUE SWAP A$(I - 1), A$(I) END IF NEXT WEND CLS FOR I = 1 TO 4 PRINT A$(I) NEXT I END Sample Output Boston Chicago New York Seattle