WINDOW Statement Details Syntax WINDOW [[SCREEN] (x1,y1)-(x2,y2)] The WINDOW statement allows the user to create a customized coordinate system to draw lines, graphs, or objects without being constrained by the screen's physical coordinates (the dimensions of the screen). This is done by redefining the screen-border coordinates with the "view coordinates" (x1, y1) and (x2, y2). These view coordinates are single-precision numbers. WINDOW defines the section of the view coordinate system that is mapped to the physical coordinates of the screen. All subsequent graphics statements use these new view coordinates and are displayed within the current viewport. (The size of the viewport can be changed with the VIEW statement.) The RUN statement, or WINDOW with no arguments, disables the window transformation. The WINDOW SCREEN variant inverts the normal Cartesian direction of the y coordinate, so y values go from negative to positive from top to bottom.