Update Method

See AlsolanUpdateSee                 ExamplelanUpdateEx>Low


Saves the contents of the copy bufferKBPE86 to a specified TableK31GNT or DynasetUDR386.




The Update method uses these parts:

Part                 Description


recordset          The Recordset property of a data control.  In the Professional Edition, can also be an object variableZ3R9Q5 that identifies a Table or Dynaset.


Use Update to save any changes to a record after using Edit or AddNew.  With a data control, if an Edit or AddNew operation is pending when you move to another record or close the recordset, Update is automatically invoked if not stopped during the Validate event.


Caution   In the Professional Edition, if you are not using a data control and move to another record or close the recordset while an Edit or AddNew operation is pending, any existing changes will be lost and no error will occur.


To edit a record, use the Edit method to copy the current record to the copy buffer for editing. You must use Edit before you use Update or an error occurs.

In a multiuser environment with the recordset's LockEdits property set to True, using Edit or AddNew locks the pageAP754UT until after Update has completed the updating process.  If the LockEdits property is False, the page is not locked until the actual Update operation.