Code Window Keys

Use these key combinations in the Code windowJ73QNY:

Press                To


F1                     Get context-sensitive Help on functionsK6LBMC and statementsKI4GSX, methods1XB6QBF, properties3MRB2KQ, or events1L2S0SZ.

Ctrl+C               Copy the selected text to the ClipboardW4LZLB.

Ctrl+X               Cut the selected text to the Clipboard.

Del                    Delete the selected text without placing it on the Clipboard.

Ctrl+V               Paste the Clipboard contents at the insertion point.

Ctrl+Z                Undo the last editing action in the current line.

Ctrl+N               Insert a blank line above the current line.

Ctrl+Y               Cut the current line to the Clipboard.

F2                     Display the View Procedures dialog box.

Ctrl+F2              Move the insertion point into the Object boxMHDYSJ.

Shift+F2            Go to the definition of the selected procedure85Q5YR.

Ctrl+Down Arrow        Display the next procedure.

Ctrl+Up Arrow    Display the previous procedure.

Page Down        Page down through the procedures in your code.

Page Up            Page up through the procedures in your code.

Ctrl+Page Down Shift viewing of your code one page to the right.

Ctrl+Page Up     Shift viewing of your code one page to the left.

F6                     Switch between Code window panes (when the window is split).

F9                     Set or remove a breakpoint1YXJ0G5.

F3                     Find Next: repeat text search down through your code.  If no text search has been done, the Find dialog box112PA4A is displayed.

Shift+F3            Find Previous: repeat text search up through your code.  If no text search has been done, the Find dialog box is displayed.

F5                     Run an application (or continue running, if in break mode).

F8                     Execute code one line at a time (single step).

Shift+F8            Execute code one procedure at a time (procedure step).

Ctrl+Break         Stop running a Visual Basic application.

Shift+F5            Restart an application from the beginning.


Use these key combinations for menu shortcuts in the Code windowJ73QNY:

Press                To


Ctrl+D               Add File

Ctrl+S               Save File

Ctrl+A               Save File As

Ctrl+P               Print

Ctrl+F                Find

F3                     Find Next

Shift+F3            Find Previous

Ctrl+R               Replace

Shift+F9            Instant Watch (break mode only)

Ctrl+W              Edit Watch

Ctrl+L                Calls Window (break mode only)

Ctrl+B               Debug window199M6LF (break mode only)