File List Box Control

See Also9MVA9OR             Properties5TI53F            EventsA4ZKYO           MethodsA570YD


A file list box locates and lists files in the directory specified by the PathBKGP79 property at run time.  You can use this control to display a list of files selected by their file attributes.  This is useful if you want to create dialog boxes in your application that, for example, enable the user to select a file or group of files.


Set the ListBKCX6E, ListCount4E91QN, and ListIndex4K7KHR properties to enable a user to access items in the list.  If you also display the directory list box and drive list box controls, you can write code to synchronize them with the file list box and with each other.


ArchiveVNIBPL                   HeightL14VJZ                    Parent17GLLBF

BackColor1W9T6JQ              HelpContextID764PDR        PathBKGP79

DragIcon3G3M07O                HiddenVNIBPL                    PatternXYKZRG

DragModeS9LGP1              hWnd1CIW7KQ                     ReadOnlyVNIBPL

Enabled3XD4FN                  Index3MKW18P                      SelectedKC8D7W

FileNameJHVBZJ                Left1CIZPD6                        SystemVNIBPL

FontBold5NZYQSD                 ListBKCX6E                         TabIndexH38QPT

FontItalic5NZYQSD                ListCount4E91QN                TabStop81MAWZ

FontNameB3RMO3               ListIndex4K7KHR                Tag6GI6KP

FontSizeB3WV13                 MousePointer1VSV6UM         Top1CIZPD6

FontStrikethru5NZYQSD         MultiSelectYICVLQ             TopIndex2EAX0Z

FontUnderline5NZYQSD         Name2016V9P                     Visible32KNZA4

ForeColor1W9T6JQ               NormalVNIBPL                   WidthL14VJZ




Click68UQAKP                      KeyDownRI06O6                MouseMove1D70SW5

DblClick2UG5QK1                 KeyPressPFFDUA               MouseUpD0VNMJ

DragDrop1EBOJGL               KeyUpRI06O6                    PathChange3811T7

DragOver2TUGMAC               LostFocus2ZXQDAR              PatternChange2JU7UW9

GotFocus32EWUCC               MouseDownD0VNMJ           




Drag2IEV8PA                      SetFocus4AVBOY

Move103G76J                      ZOrder1YQ29TM




See Also


Directory List Box ControlO9U5A0

Drawing a Control2JRMWVS

Drive List Box Control5WJO0PW


Programmer's Guide:

Chapter 3, "Creating and Using Controls"

Chapter 18, "Using the File-System Controls"