List Box Control

See Also135NXKK             Properties2DKVSRR            EventsJ0XPHV           Methods83K80GO


A list box displays a list of items from which the user can select one or more.  If the number of items exceeds what can be displayed, a scroll bar is automatically added to the list box.

If no item is selected, the ListIndex property value is -1.  The first item in the list is ListIndex 0, and ListCount is always one more than the largest ListIndex value.


To add or delete items in a list, use the AddItem2BIX3OB or RemoveItemM867OS method.  Set the ListBKCX6E, ListCount4E91QN, and ListIndex4K7KHR properties to enable a user to access items in the list.


BackColor1W9T6JQ              HeightL14VJZ                    NewIndexIOGOXY

Columns008IIH                 HelpContextID764PDR        Parent17GLLBF

DragIcon3G3M07O                hWnd1CIW7KQ                     SelectedKC8D7W

DragModeS9LGP1              Index3MKW18P                      Sorted1X3XZPF

Enabled3XD4FN                  ItemDataJDHGK8                TabIndexH38QPT

FontBold5NZYQSD                 Left1CIZPD6                        TabStop81MAWZ

FontItalic5NZYQSD                ListBKCX6E                         Tag6GI6KP

FontNameB3RMO3               ListCount4E91QN                Text14TWSRU

FontSizeB3WV13                 ListIndex4K7KHR                Top1CIZPD6

FontStrikethru5NZYQSD         MousePointer1VSV6UM         TopIndex2EAX0Z

FontUnderline5NZYQSD         MultiSelectYICVLQ             Visible32KNZA4

ForeColor1W9T6JQ               Name2016V9P                     WidthL14VJZ




Click68UQAKP                      GotFocus32EWUCC               LostFocus2ZXQDAR

DblClick2UG5QK1                 KeyDownRI06O6                MouseDownD0VNMJ

DragDrop1EBOJGL               KeyPressPFFDUA               MouseMove1D70SW5

DragOver2TUGMAC               KeyUpRI06O6                    MouseUpD0VNMJ




AddItem2BIX3OB                 Move103G76J                      SetFocus4AVBOY

ClearPMJHM6                      Refresh3SMNZGP                  ZOrder1YQ29TM

Drag2IEV8PA                      RemoveItemM867OS



See Also


Drawing a Control2JRMWVS


Programmer's Guide:

Chapter 3, "Creating and Using Controls"