Text Box Control

See AlsoA5WM61I             PropertiesQBUVSF            EventsAPHXPD           MethodsAPPGP9


A text box control, sometimes called an "edit field" or "edit control," can display information entered at design time, entered by the user, or assigned to the control in code at run time.


To display multiple lines of text in a text box, set the MultiLineCTJIN8 property to True.  If a multiline text box does not have a horizontal scroll bar, text in the box wraps automatically even when the text box is resized.  To customize the scroll bar combination on a text box, set the ScrollBars1V1TUSJ property.

A text box can also act as a destinationHF8UZ8 link in a DDEDEFDDE conversation.


AlignmentFQ8OZH             ForeColor1W9T6JQ                    Name2016V9P

BackColor1W9T6JQ            HeightL14VJZ                         Parent17GLLBF

BorderStyle43RNRL          HelpContextID764PDR             PasswordChar4N7XMYA

DataField8JGM9OY              HideSelection3KDP3HB              ScrollBars1V1TUSJ

DataSource5ODG8DC          hWnd1CIW7KQ                          SelLengthKLDRUM

DragIcon3G3M07O              Index3MKW18P                           SelStartKLDRUM

DragModeS9LGP1            Left1CIZPD6                             SelTextKLDRUM

Enabled3XD4FN                LinkItem2NMGNS5                      TabIndexH38QPT

FontBold5NZYQSD               LinkModeM1RK6S                     TabStop81MAWZ

FontItalic5NZYQSD              LinkTimeout3OGSG5                 Tag6GI6KP

FontNameB3RMO3             LinkTopicEVWV3S                    Text14TWSRU

FontSizeB3WV13               MaxLengthJVISN1                  Top2EAX0Z

FontStrikethru5NZYQSD       MousePointer1VSV6UM              Visible32KNZA4

FontUnderline5NZYQSD       MultiLineCTJIN8                      WidthL14VJZ




Change8DZUNR                KeyDownRI06O6                     LinkOpenM1TL81

Click68UQAKP                    KeyPressPFFDUA                    LostFocus2ZXQDAR

DblClick2UG5QK1               KeyUpRI06O6                         MouseDownD0VNMJ

DragDrop1EBOJGL             LinkClose17O5TU0                    MouseMove1D70SW5

DragOver2TUGMAC             LinkErrorEGZX07                     MouseUpD0VNMJ

GotFocus32EWUCC             LinkNotify1PIR0GG                   





Drag2IEV8PA                      LinkRequest3HB029          SetFocus4AVBOY

LinkExecute0JJE0GF          Move103G76J                      ZOrder1YQ29TM

LinkPokeH222HJ               Refresh3SMNZGP



See Also


Data Access11WWTV1

Data Control2E1FEX3

Drawing a Control2JRMWVS


Programmer's Guide:

Chapter 3, "Creating and Using Controls"