See Also Properties Events Methods
A grid control displays a series of rows and columns. The intersection of a row and column is a cell. You can read and set the contents of each cell programmatically.
You can put either text or a picture in any cell of a grid.
The Row You can specify the current cell in code, or the user can change it at run time using the mouse or the arrow keys. The Text property references the contents of the current cell.
If a cell's text is too long to be displayed in the cell, the text wraps to the next line within the same cell. To display the wrapped text, you must increase the cell's column width (ColWidth property) or row height (RowHeight property).
Use the Cols and Rows properties to determine the number of columns and rows in a grid control. A grid cannot have more than 2000 rows, or 400 columns.
When a new element of a control array is loaded at run time, the new element does not inherit the original control's run-time properties.
Note Before you can use a grid control in your application, you must add GRID.VBX to your project using the Add File command on the File menu . To automatically include GRID.VBX in new projects, put it in an AUTOLOAD.MAK file. When distributing your application, you should install the GRID.VBX file in the user's Microsoft Windows \SYSTEM subdirectory.
Programmer's Guide:
Chapter 13, "Using the Grid Control"
BackColor1W9T6JQ FontName RowHeight BorderStyle FontSize Rows CellSelected FontStrikethru ScrollBars Clip FontUnderline SelEndCol Col ForeColor SelEndRow ColAlignment GridLines SelStartCol Cols Height SelStartRow ColWidth HelpContextID TabIndex DragIcon HighLight TabStop DragMode hWnd Tag Enabled Index Text FillStyle2N3S7OE Left Top FixedAlignment LeftCol TopRow FixedCols7K5Y9NL Name Visible FixedRows7K5Y9NL Parent Width FontBold Picture FontItalic5NZYQSD Row |
Click KeyDown MouseMove DblClick KeyPress MouseUp DragDrop KeyUp RowColChange DragOver LostFocus SelChange GotFocus MouseDown |
AddItem RemoveItem Drag SetFocus Move ZOrder Refresh |