Imp Operator

See Also2X6HGX5              ExampleGU75DM>Low

Used to perform a logical implication on two expressions.


result = expr1 Imp expr2


The following table illustrates how result is determined:


If expr1         And expr2       The result
is                  is                     is


True              True                True

True              False               False

True              Null1DDW7C0                 Null

False             True                True

False             False               True

False             Null                 True

Null               True                True

Null               False               Null

Null               Null                 Null


The Imp operator performs a bit-wise comparison of identically positioned bits in two numeric expressions71RISN and sets the corresponding bit in result according to the following truth table:


If bit in          And bit in         The result
expr1 is         expr2 is            is


0                   0                      1

0                   1                      1

1                   0                      0

1                   1                      1


See Also

Arithmetic OperatorsSH0K1B

Comparison OperatorsNRJZ1K

Concatenation Operators2MYTW1K

Logical Operators1CQVUTN

Operator Precedence23082A9

Other Operators2HA580P

Imp Operator Example

The example displays a message that depends on the value of variables A, B, and C, assuming that no variable is a Null.  If A = 10, B = 8, and C = 6, both expressions evaluate True.  Because both are True, the Imp expression is also True.  To try this example, paste the code into the Declarations section of a form.  Then press F5 and click the form.


Sub Form_Click ()

   Dim A, B, C, Msg                      ' Declare variables.

   A = 10: B = 8: C = 6                  ' Assign values.

   If A > B Imp B > C Then

      Msg = "The left expression implies the right expression."


      Msg = "The left expression doesn't imply the right expression."

   End If

   MsgBox Msg                            ' Display results.

End Sub