Module TextFormatter Function Bold(ByVal s As String) As String Dim boldedString As New System.Text.StringBuilder() For Each c As Char In s boldedString.Append(c & c) ' Simply repeat each character to simulate bold Next Return boldedString.ToString() End Function Function UsCore(ByVal s As String) As String Dim underscoredString As New System.Text.StringBuilder() For Each c As Char In s underscoredString.Append(c & "_") ' Append underscore after each character Next Return underscoredString.ToString().TrimEnd("_") ' Remove the last underscore End Function End Module Module Program Sub Main() ' Sample strings Dim regularText As String = "Test" ' Call the Bold function Dim boldText As String = TextFormatter.Bold(regularText) Console.WriteLine("Bold Text: " & boldText) ' Call the UsCore function Dim underscoredText As String = TextFormatter.UsCore(regularText) Console.WriteLine("Underscored Text: " & underscoredText) ' Wait for user input to close the console Console.ReadLine() End Sub End Module